Saturday, December 25, 2010


When we were as a kids theres always a lot of things that we loves to do and have. Such as having our favorite toys or watching favorite cartoon every weeks. Well here's is some of mine favorite when i was a kids

Thunder...Thunder...Thundercats...Hooooo...... Thundercats is my favorite cartoon. I never missed of the episode since it been feature in TV in early 90's. The characters is all big cats such as lion, panther, tiger, cheetah and wild cats. The story involve a group of cats aliens stranded in an unknown planet after their planet Thundera was destroy.
Watch the series at

from left: Tygra, Panthro, Lyono, Cheetara with Wilykit and Wilykat and Snarf (the red cat)

Thundertank, the tank that cat dig through mountain, sail on the sea and with fire power

The cats lair

Ferrari Testarossa my dream red Italian car. Love the design with the lines and the flat engine cover, plus the flip headlight. Why cars this day won't have it? So classic.

Hotwheels cars was my collection, my favorite the deora. Hotwheels car that made for real. An awesome car so the suffer.
Hotwheels Doera II

back view

nope.. not the truck but the front seat

from the small car to this real car

Star Wars was my favorite movie of all time, being watch the saga over & over again
(to understand the story) Hahahah.....

love the stormtroopers lego

So what's yours favorites things that reflects back your childhood memories.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Ingin minum air sejuk tanpa rase ngilu di gigi?

Be a Walrus...hehe.....

Sepasang gigi besar tanpa sedikit rase ngilu berenang dalam air sejuk....


Maal Hijrah 1432 is the new year in Islam calender. Started after the Prophet Muhammad made the 1st Hijrah from Makkah to Madinah. 1st month in Islam is Muharram follow by Safar, Rabiulawal, Rabiuakhir, Jamadilawal, Jamaldilakhir, Rejab, Syaaban, Ramadhan, Syawal, Zulkaedah, Zulhijjah.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010



waiting for something
without knowing the answer
in the time given